How Street Tacos Are Different from Other Tacos

At Los Reyes, we’re all about the authentic experience of Mexican food, which is why we’re especially proud of our street tacos.
Street Tacos for Halloween? Yes Please!

Your taco bar won’t quite be on the same level as our street tacos, but it will make a great spread for your Halloween party. Here’s what you need.
Walk Through Tasty Taco History with Los Reyes

But tacos have been around a lot longer than the Derry restaurants that make them! Let’s take a look at the history of this famous food.
Menu Highlight: Barbacoa Street Tacos

Barbacoa is a traditional Mexican dish that everyone should try – at least once!
The History of Street Tacos in Jalisco

Street tacos have a long and rich history in Jalisco – here’s your inside look!
Welcome to Los Reyes Street Tacos

Welcome, friends! We are so humbled you have taken the time to explore the Los Reyes Street Tacos website.